
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.

Latest Science News

Hubble finds water vapor in small exoplanet’s atmosphere

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‘Moths to a flame’: Insect behavior around light isn’t about attraction, scientists say

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Water molecules found on asteroids thought to be ‘completely dry’

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Experimental technology enabled historic Odysseus moon landing

Editor’s notice: A model of this story appeared in CNN’s Surprise Principle

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Are we in the Anthropocene Epoch? Not so fast, geologists say

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Gold and sacrificial victims found in tomb of ancient leader, archaeologists say

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NASA mission achieves most distant demo of laser communications across space

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Milky Way-like galaxy spotted in distant universe by Webb telescope

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Euclid telescope’s first images reveal new cosmic details

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Mysterious mouse mummies found in Mars-like conditions on Andean mountain peaks

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