
The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.

Latest Health News

A summer wave of Covid-19 has arrived in the US

CNN  —  Covid-19 ranges have been rising in america for weeks as

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US cancer centers warn drug shortages continue, impacting different varieties of medications

CNN  —  Whereas a scarcity of the chemotherapy medicine cisplatin and carboplatin

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Contraception use has fallen in states that have restricted abortion, study finds

CNN  —  Ladies in states with probably the most restrictive abortion legal

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ER visits for heat-related illnesses spike — and hard-hit places aren’t always the hottest

CNN  —  As warmth blankets a lot of the US, hospitals in

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US health agencies launch new studies of H5N1 bird flu in dairy workers and dairy products

CNN  —  US well being companies are beginning new rounds of checks

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CDC warns a surge in global dengue cases is raising risk in US

CNN  —  The US Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention issued a

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Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out

Rocklin, California CNN  —  After I visited Rocklin Elementary faculty, I sat

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US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis

CNN  —  Gun violence in the USA is an pressing public well

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Science of social media’s effect on mental health isn’t as clear cut as a warning label might suggest

CNN  —  When US Surgeon Basic Dr. Vivek Murthy pushed final week

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